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Ustaz's note

Ayat-Ayat Cinta

"dan boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu suka kepada sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah jualah yang mengetahui (semuanya itu), sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya”
[Al-Baqarah 2: 216]

Sahabat Blogger IIUM

Mardhtillah Matlubi

~ I wish I could make people smile and make them know how beautiful life is. Just a plain me, seeking His bless worldly and hereafter.~

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Wahai Rasulullah...

Ingin ku susuri denai hidup mu, ya Rasulullah
Izinkan aku mencintai mu
Izinkan aku merinduimu

Selawat dan Salam yang setinggi-tingginya ke atas mu
Wahai Kekasih Allah..

Sembang Hikmah

~Demi Masa~

"Demi Masa..Sesungguhnya manusia itu berada di dalam kerugian..Melainkan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh..dan berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran" Berapa banyak lagi masa yang bersisa untuk kita??
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1st Assignment in Nursing Management course NUR 4144

15 July 2009

Today, we all year 4 students receive our first assignment.

It is related with our discussion today first session, which is organizational theories. We were assigned to have our own pre reading before the class, and I think it is really effective even at first we did not really understand the whole picture of what we read last night, yet, it gives us a little ideas that help us much in discussion today.

Organizational Theories

That is what we thrash out early in the morning. After a few minutes of discussion, the give-and-take session went smoothly, when everybody seems like very participative in the conversation. Lots of ideas are thrown out, to be shared for those who know to appreciate.

The theory is overall about how to manage one organization generally.

The earliest organizational theory was introduced by F.W Taylor, the scientific management or also known as physiological organization theory or machine theory. This theory concentrates on production of one organization.

Many more theoris are derived from the former theory. They are:

1. Neo-classical theory
-when an essence of this theory focuses on the organization as a social system. Meaning that, the organization is not only about machine man, there are another social-psychological factors involve in production.

2.System Theory
- it is broadly used today in human life. According to Rafiq, "the system itself is around us..ALLAH is the Great Creator of the system in the universe"

3.Contigency theory

-presented by K.Lin baby and the gangs. It is known as well as situational theory when actions or decision of one organization is closely dependant on the situation. The components of the leadership stlye in this theory are task oriented and relationship oriented. In th esimple word, 'no rigid' in management and 'flexibility' offers the solutions.

4.Chaos Theory
-analysis of the situation. It is to explain how complex a system could behave. A written phrase by Alia on the whiteboard, "Nature's work does not work in a straigth line". There are many unpredictable things can happen at any time or any situation.What we need to do, is to get ready and prepared to face wisely.

Therefore, Sr.Sanisah, our lecturer for this course gave us an assignment, which is to be submitted at the end of this course,a written discussion about analysis and criticism of health care organization in Malaysia, by using the above theories.

Ermm..all the best,fiey!!


I enjoyed the class as I was'nt sleepy or fall asleep throughout the session. Then, Igained lots of info about how actually management system was developed and how to assimilate them in management in Nursing, as well as manangement of our life.

Thanks Allah, Alhamdulillah..Praise to Him for the knowledge I obtain in my life.

"Sesungguhnya pada kejadian langit dan bumi; dan (pada) pertukaran malam dan siang; dan (pada) kapal-kapal Yang belayar di laut Dengan membawa benda-benda Yang bermanfaat kepada manusia; demikian juga (pada) air hujan Yang Allah turunkan dari langit lalu Allah hidupkan dengannya tumbuh-tumbuhan di bumi sesudah matinya, serta ia biakkan padanya dari berbagai-bagai jenis binatang; demikian juga (pada) peredaran angin dan awan Yang tunduk (kepada Kuasa Allah) terapung-apung di antara langit Dengan bumi; Sesungguhnya (pada semuanya itu) ada tanda-tanda (yang membuktikan keesaan Allah kekuasaanNya, kebijaksanaanNya, dan keluasan rahmatNya) bagi kaum Yang (mahu) menggunakan akal fikiran."

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